I had our annual Cul-De-Sac Halloween Dance Party last night. I'd love to tell you how it all began. It ultimately was part of the foundation to our #FIGHTlikeaFREAK mentality too.
It's good to be reflective and look back to see moments that made a significant impact on our lives. I've got a few that have made an impact on me the last few days, and I'd like to share with you. The Cul-De-Sac party had it's beginning on Halloween of 2000.
In February of 2000, I became the Student Pastor at Grace Church in Little Rock. Although it was a tenure that only lasted a year and a half, because we would move to Forney in the summer of 2001, the time there was invigorating and had a huge impact on my life, family, and the way we approached walking out our faith.
There was as round table in Mark Schatzman's office and the staff meeting discussions around that table with Doug Daily, Kirk Greenstreet, Mark Tedder, and Rowland Smith were always genuine, authentic, open, challenging, and amazing. Those guys may not realize it, but I grew so much in that short window of time with them. I still recall so many of the conversations. Probably because I needed it desperately.
Donna & I were so hungry for something genuine and real, and as a 31 year old husband, father, and Student Pastor I desperately wanted to live out life in community loving people as Jesus did. We had a heart for the family and desired a genuine approach to an authentic life. We had been blessed with mentors & counselors in our 20's that began moving us beyond the religious to something more.
At one of those round table discussions in the early fall of 2000, we began to talk about Halloween. The standard answer was always have a "Trunk or Treat," "Fall Carnival," or something like that to bring the people to us. But Schatzman, who always pushed things out into the open, pushed back on the norm and those discussions always went to great places as everyone would chime in and give their thoughts. It was so good. I get excited just thinking about how invigorating it was. It makes you wonder why I left doesn't it, but that's a story for another time.
He said, "Why don't we go to where the people are?!? Let's challenge everyone to do something in their own neighborhoods. Be present and love people around them. Don't pass out promotional material, but pass out candy and get to know our neighbors!" I was like YESSSS!!!! I loved it, and I think everyone else did too. I honestly didn't hear much after, "Let's do something in our neighborhood and get to know our neighbors."
You may be thinking, "Well that's not that life altering Steven," and to you it may not be, but to me it was huge! I was so used to "being at the church, have it at the church, how can we get people to the church, how many can we have at the church," and this NEW approach fed our soul and purpose. Be present. Engage. Move into and serve the community intentionally. Get to know and love people. Love God & Love People. He'll take care of the rest.
I was so excited! We lived in a unique little neighborhood in a small community called Shannon Hills. That year, I borrowed a trailer, some hay, and let everyone in our neighborhood know that we were going to have a hayride and carry kids around the neighborhood. Our boys got dressed up and off we went down every street. Our neighbors kids Aaron and Nick piled on, along with a few others, and we took off into the night. It was great!
After we moved to Forney, this was the only way I wanted to do Halloween, and thankfully our church saw it that way too. Early on I would actually rent speakers and lights, and then our neighbors Noe and Raquel and Michael and Courtney actually began a DJ biz back in the day and provided equipment. We'd all pitch in and do it together. Our neighbors over the years Jason & Brandy Tommy & Cynthia and Larry & Erinn would all get involved too. I remember one year, we had over 100 people in the Cul-De-Sac all doing the Cupid Shuffle together.
There's been maybe 2 years out of 21 that we haven't been able to keep it going. We pass out candy, play music, set up lights and a fog machine, dance, enjoy watching kids and families come by, and love on people. The houses around us have changed hands a few times, but for the most part each time our neighbors would join in with us. Tommy and Cynthia are still here with us. In fact, Cynthia and I were talking last night about all the great times.
I believe Jesus would love our Cul-De-Sac party, and I'm thankful for that moment around that table that made such a huge impact on my life and started it all.